Ven.Luang Phor Piyavano with local, 20 Malaysians and many more foreign participants at BrahmaVihara Arama, Banjar Tegeha, Buleleng, North Bali Vipasana Meditation Retreat where more than 60 participants, half foreigners will be participating with Bro. David Karuna Tan and friends in this 7-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat to be conducted from 4th June (Mon) to 10th June, 2012 (Sun) [Date tentatively, subject to confirmation by the BV Arama Management Board]. Total cost estimated RM2500 with donations to Brahma Vihara Arama's Kuan Yin Shrine Fund from Malaysian participants only. The cost include schedule Malaysian group MAS flight from KLIA Sepang, breadfast and lunch, board and lodging. A Yoga instructor will conduct an hour in the morning before breakfast. The itinerary, in-house procedure and update will be informed to those enrolled and interested. We look forward to seeing you at our activities and do bring along your family and friends too. Sukhi Hotu and may the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem be with you and your family always.
If you need further information or details please do not hesitate to contact the followings:-
Bro. David Karuna Tan +6012 3159527 dktan57@gmail.com
Ven.Piyavano +6016 6886586
Pak Dhammalijoti +62 8164733609 (Indonesian Vacilitator)
Bhante Jalanapanno +62 362 92954 (Indonesian Sangha)
With Metta,
Bro. David Karuna Tan +6017 3450527 Email: dkarunatan@gmail.com
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