Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society [KMBS] Building Fund Dinner 2008
Spiritual Advisor: Ven. B. Saranankara Maha Thera
Building the future
Fund a noble cause
KMBS Building Fund Dinner 2008
Date & Place: 6pm of 12th July 2008 in Hee Lai Ton Restaurant, Sri Kembangan, Selangor.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society (KMBS) is a young and dynamic Buddhist organization that brings the dhamma to the Buddhist community of Puchong, Kinrara and its surrounding areas. KMBS has laid the foundation for creating a community of wholesome individuals and family institution that promotes good noble values in accordance with the Teachings of our Master, the Lord BUDDHA.
We organise both spiritual and communal activities. The spiritual activities include weekly sermons/dhamma talks, meditation, chanting and annual retreats. Communal based spiritual activities include Sunday Dhamma School, Youth Development activities, Fellowships, Children and Youth Camps and Parenting Courses to name a few. All activities are geared toward the strengthening of moral values in individual and to instill awareness in parents and children of their responsibilities to family, country and the world at large.
As our current premises, which is on temporary loan basis is critically inadequate to cater for the overwhelming demand for Sunday Dhamma School, Youth activities and other community based activities, the Building Fund Committee is working to raise funds for the purchase of a new building. To realize this dream of “a home of our own”, Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society (KMBS), Building Fund Committee is organizing a Building Fund Dinner, at Hee Lai Ton Restaurant, in Sri Kembangan. The Dinner is scheduled to be held on Saturday 12th July, 2008 at 6pm sharp, serving both vegetarian and non vegetarian food.
KMBS humbly appeals to your generous heart to support this noble and worthy cause. We invite you/your company to take advantage and participate in this unique opportunity in the following ways:-
1 Corporate Table Sponsorship
2 Advertisement in our Souvenir Program
3 Building/Room Sponsorship
For further information and submission of your completed forms together with your payment (cheque should be crossed and made payable to “Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society – Puchong, Selangor”), please contact any of the following committee members:
Bro Tom Hen @013-3997725, Bro Gan @ 012-2871800, Sis Paru @ 012-2878105.
You can also contribute by direct payment (bank-in) to KMBS account at Public Bank,
Acc No 3133842320. Completed forms can be faxed to 03-20931160.
With folded palms and loving heart we thank you for your kind support and generosity.
With Warm Regards,
Sis Rasika Paru
Organizing Chairperson
KMBS Building Fund Dinner 2008
Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society Building Fund Dinner 2008
KMBS Building Fund Dinner 2008
Thank you for your generous support. Please complete the relevant sections of the form.
1. Sponsorship of Dinner Tables/Donation
We would like to sponsor ______table(s) at RM 5,000/table (1 complimentary table)
We would like to sponsor ______table(s) at RM 3,000/table (1 complimentary table)
We would like to make a donation of RM __________
Company Name:____________________________________________________________
Contact Person:______________________________Tel Contact: ____________________
Enclosed is a ____________ cheque no. __________________ for RM _______________
being sponsorship of dinner tables/donation.
Company Stamp:
Authorized Signature
The gift of food is useful only till hunger returns.
The gift of clothes is useful only till they are worn.
The gift of a house is useful only till it is dilapidated.
The gift of medicine only delays sickness and death.
But the gift of the DHAMMA protects a person throughout his rebirths-----
It even helps him break free from rebirth altogether.
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