Namo Buddhaya ! Treat yourself to join our Jeff Oliver 5D4N Metta Bhavana Meditation Retreat on 11-17 March 2016 at Brahma Vihara Arama, Banjar Tegeha, Buleleng, Singaraja, Bali. Welcome to our DKTan Health, Wellness & Retreat Group ! Are you all joining us on 11-17 March 2016 to Brahma Vihara Arama, Bali ? Famous Meditation teacher Bro.Jeff Oliver, an experienced meditation teacher from Australia, Aruna Sudhamma Chia, Britt Frischknecht, Jose Luis Jimenez, Miao Lie, Natasha Droniak, Dr.Ronny Hkm Telematika, TCM Wellness Prof Dr.Zhang of US and many more friends from East & West will meet and join us, too. We are now organizing another 6D5N Jeff Oliver Freestyle Meditation Retreat on 11-17 March 2016 at Brahma Vihara Arama, Banjar Tegeha, Buleleng, Singaraja, Bali. Biodata: Jeff Oliver is a dynamic and creative meditation teacher from Australia. He has been practicing Vipassana (Awareness & Wisdom) Meditation for 19 years, eight of which he was ordained as a Buddhist Monk in Burmese tradition. Jeff has shared practical life skills and mind management in many areas of the world including Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe including Turkey. Jeff's teachings are based on ancient and modern ways of the mind training especially, such as appreciation, forgiveness, "METTA" unconditional love, concentration, awareness and wisdom. Basically, Jeff is offering us a toolbox of techniques to be used both in formal, intensive meditation and in any situation during our busy and complicated daily life. His style is open, approachable, friendly and gentle yet very effective for modern seeker of truth. Sadhu ! Treat yourself to this Holistic Wellness Meditation by just donating the vegetarian food and lodging supply at this beautiful Buddhist Monastery in North Bali. It's free and easy. Thank you http://dktan.blogspot.com/
Undangan: Mohon Kehadiran Bpk/Ibu/Raman/Ramani sekalian untuk hadiri di Retreat Meditasi Freestyle oleh Pak Jeff Oliver di Brahma Vihara Arama, Bali peringkat permulaan yang akan diterjemahkan oleh Pak David Karuna dalam Bahasa Malaysia pada tgl 11 hinggah tgl 17 Maret 2016 di Brahma Vihara Arama, North Bali. Ia percuma, Hanya dengan donasi. Sila berhubung dengan Pak Dhammajiyoti +628164733609 or Pak David Karuna +60123159527
Note: This is our planned Project of An International Holiday Workshop cum Meditation Retreat at Brahma Vihara Arama, Banjar Tegeha, Dencarik, Buleleng, North Bali http://www.BrahmaViharaAramas.com/ This time, it's going to be a BIG annual event like an International Dhamma Camp cum Meditation Retreat in Bali. Only the 1st 40 Registered Participants aged 17 and above are invited and 10 Facilitators each from Malaysia and local will be accepted on a 1st come, 1st served basis. * Help us to Sponsor, Share and Spread the good Dhamma Duta news and be our Dhamma volunteer ! May you all be Well & Happy ! Sadhu ! Sadhu ! Sadhu ! Anumodana With Metta, DKTan http://dktan.blogspot.com/ Note: Kindly contact Pak Dhammajiyoti at +628164733609 shantfrank@yahoo.com for details. * Help us to Sponsor, Share and Spread this Dhamma Duta news and be our Dhamma volunteer for this event. Sadhu x3 ! Jadwal Meditasi 2014, Brahma Vihara Arama, Singaraja. No.Dates, Type of Meditation, Teachers, Contacts 1. 13-24 Jun Intensive Vipassana Retreat Sayadaw U Nyanaramsi Lily Fistanio: 08.111.70010 2. 27-29 Jun Compassion Retreat Mr.Gde Prama Email:Tikad143@gmail.com 3. 04-09 Okt. Compassion Retreat Mr.Gde Prama Email:Tikad143@gmail.com 4. 26-28 Des. Compassion Retreat Mr. Gde Prama email:Tikad143@gmail.com 5. 1-6 March 2015 Metta Meditation Retreat with Jeff Oliver (Aus) email:dktan57@gmail.com Sadhu ! Treat yourself to this Holistic Wellness Meditation by just donating the vegetarian food and lodging supply at this beautiful Buddhist Monastery in North Bali. It's free and easy. Contact Pak Dhammajiyoti +628164733609 or shantfrank@yahoo.com or Pak David Karuna +60123159527 plus download http://www.BrahmaViharaArama.com/ for details and application forms and email to dktan57@gmail.com Note: Our Aim is to be similar to an International Youth Camp cum Meditation Retreat for ALL at Brahma Vihara Arama, Banjar Tegeha, Buleleng, North Bali http://www.BrahmaViharaArama.com/ on 1-6 March 2015 This time, it's going to be a BIG annual youth cum Adult event like an International Dhamma Holiday Camp cum Meditation Retreat in Bali. Only the 1st 40 Registered Participants aged 18 and above are invited and 10 Facilitators each from Malaysia and local will be accepted on a 1st come, 1st served basis. (All youth applications between 18-21 years old must attached with parent's letter of consent). Thank you. *Help us to Sponsor, Share and Spread the good Dhamma Duta news and be our Dhamma volunteer ! May you all be Well & Happy ! Sadhu ! Sadhu ! Sadhu !
Undangan: Mohon Kehadiran Bpk/Ibu/Raman/Ramani sekalian untuk hadiri di Retreat Meditasi Vipassana atau Kem Mind management di Bali yang akan diterjemahkan oleh Pak David Karuna dalam Bahasa Malayu pada 11-17 Maret 2015 di Brahma Vihara Arama, North Bali. Sila berhubung dengan Pak Dhammajiyoti +628164733609 shantfrank@yahoo.com atau Pak David Karuna +60123159527 dktan57@gmail.com untuk keterangan lanjut. Sekian, Terima Kasih. Note: Help us to Sponsor, Share & Spread the good Dhamma Duta news and be our Dhamma volunteer ! May you all be Well & Happy ! Anumodana With Metta, DKTan http://dktan.blogspot.com/ Sαϑhυ... Sαϑhυ... Sαϑhυ... Anumodana https://www.facebook.com/events/761777440509075