Wishing everyone Gng Xi Fa Cai" and Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year 2012 ! May the year of the Dragon bring you and your families members many happy returns. May the Buddha-Dhamma guide us all in all our doings as we strive to perfect ourselves in this trouble times and difficulties. May all beings, devas, sentient beings, be Well and Happy always. AYU VANNA SUKHAM BALAM
Dear Setenang Buddhist Fellow Brothers & Sisters,
On behalf of Setenang Buddhist Society, We would like to invite all to our Setenang Buddhist Society Chinese New Year Open House on:-
Date: Saturday, 28th January, 2012
Time: 8:30-10:00am
Venue: Setenang House, 47, Jalan DU 2/10, Taman Damai Utama, off Jalan Kinrara 6, 47180 Puchong, Selangor.
All are Welcome !
Note: * Thereafter, We will continue with our Setenang Buddhist Society, Annual CNY House to House Dana & Blessings to invited members' Residence by Setenang Chanting Group from 27-29 Jan 2012